NS Technologies株式会社

理念 / 社长致辞








Various areas and situations in our daily lives, such as
Housing, Transportation, Telecommunication, Medicals, Study, Arts, Security, to name a few, are all deeply related to the

Semiconductor industry.
While the existence of Semiconductors has long been indispensable for all of them,
there is no doubt that its presence will continue to grow in importance and expansion in the future.

By inspecting Semiconductors to ensure that they can fully demonstrate their performance before being shipped to the market, a wide range of products and ideas are born, and our lives are enriched and convenient.
Our IC Test Handlers are used at Semiconductor manufacturing sites around the world that perform the final IC testing in

Semiconductor inspection process. And we are very proud and aware of the importance of their role and the magnitude of their

contribution, which motivate us to work hard, even harder every moment.

In the future, Semiconductors will play an increasingly diverse role, and the inspection process will increasingly verify their

operation under complex conditions and environments, therefore technical expectations for IC Test Handlers that respond to

these tasks are becoming extremely high.
We are keenly aware that IC Test Handlers are one of the important equipment responsible for the Semiconductor

manufacturing process, and we will continue to develop new technologies and enhance the supply of products.

We will keep pushing forward with our business activities having the strong hope that as many people as possible around the

world will be able to feel the benefits of innovative Semiconductor technology and the richness it brings.

Hiroaki Shimura
President and CEO